Ontario Bankruptcy Accredited Canadian Canada Ontario Personal Property Appraisals
Appraisal Ontario CPPA

appraisal ontario CPPA




You can Elect us as your Insurance Umpire -The Insurance Appraisal Process






insurance umpire appraisalumpire







The vast majority of insurance Umpires only offer in person proceedings. But however in our experience many cases do not make logical sense to pile on Professional fees when the majority of cases do not require it. We have been leaders in providing with a paper exercise; both Appraisers submit their evidence and reports in writing to us and conduct an online video meeting to allow for responses and cross examinations. There is no need to pay for the huge overhead costs supporting a large decorated office in many cases. However for very large insurance cases there is a need for ample accommodations and resources to properly conduct Umpire Services. WE SPECIALIZE in the cases that do not require this.

Insurance Umpire


Why hire us as your Insurance Umpire?

  • - Conducted over 8,500+ evaluations; appraisals, and investigations for various business-related accounts reports evaluation to clients.

- Conducted over 250+ Umpire assignments under the Insurance Act R.S.O. (vast majority are paper exercise)


Our team have an Extensive experience to orchestrate resolutions; proven knowledge in the appraisal process, knowledge, skill and experience with Insurance Mediation issues for resolution, impartial and unbiased, up-to-date with current case law, very clear on the role of the appointment of Umpire, staying clear of orchestrating any decisions that are more properly decided in a court of law, bringing the vast first-hand knowledge and own experience to bear on the issues in disputes, strives to ensure that both Appraisers feel that were treated fairly in the process and had appropriate opportunity to present their cases and argue their points of view.


What is the costs for Umpire Services?


- Flat rate services for paper exercises (most under $1500.00)

- Hourly rate charged only $285 per hour

- Half day flat rate (most under $2750.00)


appraisal ontario CPPA